Ketan Argentina

About Ketan Argentina

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We Provide Labeling Solutions

Ketan Argentina S.A. has provided solutions to a significant number of special applications, delivering systems for a wide range of products, including special transport systems, data capture and software development all over the world.

About Ketan

We are a company specialized in automatic labeling solutions. If your need is to apply labels on containers (cylindrical, elliptical, conical, etc. With more than 25 years of experience in the field, our engineers are available to provide quick solutions to your label application requirements.


With 10 years of experience in the field, Ketan is founded as an engineering company for the construction of labeling and coding systems.


Ketan develops its own labeling head, the K50, a low-cost, high-performance label applicator


Ketan designs its first label applicator with a TTO printer


Due to the growth of the company, a new plant is opened that triples the previous work area


Ketan acquires CNC machinery for in-house component manufacturing, improving delivery time for customized solutions


Start of construction of a new plant three times larger than the current area

Contact Us

+54 11 5197-8587
Monday to Friday 7 am-4:30pm (GMT-3)
Ketan Argentina
Av. Eva Perón 3491, San Martín
Buenos Aires - Argentina